Sorry, everyone,but I'm giving this up.
There's 2 reasons for me making this difficult decision (ooh I sound so dramatic!!):
1 - Health reasons. I don't want to get diabetes/get really fat/etc
2 - I'm not enjoying chocolate any more! I can't just have a chocolate bar when I feel like, I have to wait till I'm in a place where I can write about it. I'm also not eating the chocolate I love, which makes me quite sad. Can't have a Mars bar because I've already written about it. I honestly can't stand the idea of not having a Mars bar till next year!
Even bigger apologies to those who have contributed to the cause- Alex, Andy, Mel, Amy, Jen, Richard... Those are the ones I can remember off the top of my head. I'm more than happy to reimburse you should you want me to!
Once again I'm sorry, and if you feel the need to send me hate mail.... Go ahead! :)