Sunday, 1 January 2012

Monday 2nd January, 2012 - Flake

I kinda thought after Christmas that I was supposed to be sick of chocolate. Though to be fair, I didn't get an awful lot of it this year. I picked up a selection box today in Asda for £1, so the next few days are going to be Cadburys themed... Never a bad thing of course! I'm a big fan of Cadburys. I'm going to (when I can be bothered) put up a poll about the different chocolate brands. Be interesting to see how many people are in agreement :) Today's offering is a Flake.

Flake used to claim to be the 'crumbliest, flakiest milk chocolate in the world', but now only says 'crumbliest, flakiest milk chocolate'. Because of advertising standards maybe? Or is there an even flakier chocolate out there?! I don't know. In any case, it was very crumbly. However, on this occasion I was lucky and managed to not drop any down myself. Don't you hate it when that happens?  I always find it's not till a few hours later that you notice you have melted chocolate on your trousers :S 

According to the Cadbury website, the target audience for the Flake is 30-50 year old women. If that's the case, why did they always have a sexy lady on the ads? Are women supposed to look/feel like that when they eat a Flake? And how many people do you think have tried to imitate those adverts? ;)

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