So, that Fudge bar you were thinking of buying? Put that down, and instead sample its cousin, the Curly Wurly!
An iconic chocolate bar of the 70s, Curly Wurly is chewy caramel covered in milk chocolate. Best consumed at room temperature so it's lovely and chewy, I would choose one of these over a fudge any day of the week!
As with most chocolate bars, this one does seem to have shrunk over the years. I can never work out if they have actually gotten smaller, or if I've just gotten bigger! However, it is still very long, approximately 20cm, and although I'm not a massive fan of long, thin chocolate bars, I'll let this one off. Because of its length you feel like you're getting a proper chocolate fix, even though it's only about half the calories of a regular bar!
In 2004, Curly Wurly was voted the most popular chocolate bar still in production. They may cost more than they did when they débuted in 1970, it may be smaller than in 1970, but it's still a favourite of many people, young and old, and somewhat of a British institution!
Thinking of buying? I bought a fucking 6 pack of Fudge bars! Left that Curly Wurly on the shelf... That's where my loyalty lies.